Born and raised in Zimbabwe, I studied for my Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Australia, and then worked for many years in wildlife research and as a Safari Guide in Africa.
I discovered the Human Bowen Technique almost a decade ago, after I had moved to live in Scotland. At the time, I was seeking natural relief from persistent back and neck pain. I had seen a chiropractor frequently and I had to keep returning for a temporary “re-fix”. The Bowen Technique helped me with structural realignment and pain relief in such a way that my “muscle memory” remembered so that any recurrences were short lived and fixed themselves. What interested me the most, was that Bowen helped enormously with a very profound grief that I was struggling to cope with.
I return for Bowen Sessions regularly to promote wellness and well-being and to boost my immune system and also, because I am hooked on the deep and restoring sleep that I get the night after a Bowen session. It is not uncommon for people to seek out Bowen Therapy for preventative reasons not just as a “cure”.
In recent years, I have developed a complex autoimmune condition that has disfigured has my hands and feet. For this, Bowen Therapy has been invaluable. Sometimes, pain can overwhelm the mind and body. The first job of a Bowen Therapist is to help you locate the parts of your body that feel pain free and safe, and to work with the autonomic nervous system to encourage the body into a more relaxed and less anxious state from which natural healing can occur. My hands may be a bit ugly now but my fingers are more than capable of the gentle moves that characterise the Bowen Technique and make it so effective.
When I was qualified in the Human Bowen Technique, I went on to train in the Canine Bowen Technique.
Shortly before I discovered the Bowen Technique, I had watched my 16 year old lurcher, Khali, decline in ability with progressing age. She valiantly strove to regain strength and balance following a couple of strokes. When I discovered Bowen, I wished I could turn back time because I know that Canine Bowen Therapy would have provided relief and support for Khali in her battle with the effects of old age.
As if I did not have enough motive, there was also Fergus. Before Khali died, we had both fallen in love with Fergus, a friend’s bearded collie. He was diagnosed at a young age with hip dysplasia. For a dog that is an overflowing font of love for life and people, it was sad to watch his life and walks become confined to prevent the pain that eventually caught up with him over the years. The most rewarding thing is that Fergus is still alive, and I have been able to treat him with the Canine Bowen Technique and provide him with the relief that was denied to Khali.
- I am qualified in Bowtech with the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia.
www.bowtech.com I trained in the Canine Bowen Technique with the Canine Bowen Technique Association of UK.
www.caninebowentechnique.com- I am a member of the Bowen Technique Assocation of UK.
www.bowen-technique.co.uk I am a member of the Canine Bowen Technique Association UK.
I hold a valid First Aid Certificate, a certificate in Anatomy and Physiology and an Enhanced Disclosure Scotland.
I hold Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance for both Human and Canine Bowen Techniques.
I am committed to undertaking Continuous Professional Development in both Human and Canine Bowen annually.